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Cooperation agreement between Pieron and the IHK
Pieron has designed career guidance for students practical and for young people to start in the profession through an education. Therefore pieron has hit a cooperation agreement with the IHK Nord Westfalen.

Pieron at the IAA – 65. Commercial Vehicles
Pieron GmbH will be represented at the IAA, in Frankfurt am Main, from 12 to 22 September.

Toolmaker, training in video

Girls do MI(N)T
The “Unternehmerverband” wants to raise the interest of girls in technichal jobs with some projects themed “Girls do MI(N)T!”. Through different facilities, for example the “Info-Mobile” or the “duales...

The industry supports “House of the little scientists”
The industry supports “House of the little scientists” Three companies of the town Bocholt, thereunder Pieron, received a sponsorship because of their consequent support. Through this sponsorship it is able to give one kindergarten-teacher of every...

Pieron at the IAA – 63. Commercial Vehicles
The 63rd International Motor Show (IAA) will be organised by the VDA, from 17 to 27 September 2009 in Frankfurt (am Main). The focus is on innovations in...

Minister von der Leyen at Pieron
Ministry for Family Affairs, Minister von der Leyen at Pieron. When Gisela Pieron get “Buisnesswoman of the year” the family minister Ursula von der Leyen visited the Pieron GmbH.