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Mehr Mädchen an der Werkbank - Mehr Mädchen an die Werkbank

More Girls to the Workbench

Female trainees are still rare in technical professions. Their share in the metal and electro industry is under 10 %. But not so at company Pieron in Bocholt: The leading manufacturer of technical springs increased its proportion of female trainees to 50 %; this not...

Ministerbesuch bei Pieron - Ministerbesuch bei Pieron

Minister visits Pieron

NRW Minister for Economic Affairs Garrelt Duin (left) with Pieron Managing Director Christian Fehler (right) On the IAA joint stand of the state NRW, Christian Fehler, Managing Director of the company, informed NRW Economic Affairs Minister Garrelt Duin about the...

IAA 2015 DE clear 1080x675px RGB - Die Pieron GmbH auf der IAA 2015

Pieron GmbH at the IAA 2015

Under the slogan “Mobility Connects”, the IAA 2015 starts in Frankfurt on 17.09.2015. The Pieron GmbH will present its innovations in the field of spring technology on NRW’s joint stand in hall 4 stand D07 until 27.09.2015. The automobile fair will certainly focus...

Beitragsbild 05 2015.jpg - Patenschaft für den Baum des Jahres

Sponsorship for the “Tree of the Year”

End of April, employees of the Municipal Parks and Gardens Department planted a field maple tree on the way of Trees of Year in Bocholt. The field maple is the tree of the year 2015. The Pieron GmbH is sponsor of the tree. As tree sponsors, Gisela Pieron, shareholder...

Messe 2015 1080x651 1 - Rückblick zur Hannover Messe 2015

Review of the Hannover Fair 2015

The Hannover Fair 2015 was a successful and interesting appearance for the Pieron GmbH. Interested people of different industries informed theirselves about the latest developments in spring technology at the fair stand of the Pieron GmbH. In the focus was...

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Joint Venture

In the future, PIERON is going to extend its know-how, and the points that have been set recently will ensure that trends and new development are quickly and effectively made available to our customers. Since 2001, a joint venture has enabled production in Detroit...

BAFF NEU 1080x675 1 - Pieron und Siemens besonders Familienfreundlich

Pieron and Siemens are very family-friendly

Jennifer Middelkamp, Wolfgang Gießing, Siemens (left) and Gisela Pieron (Foto: Middelkamp) Because of their flexible labour time and because of the high engagement in the health-sector Pieron received – in the category with 250 or more employees – (beside...

Beitragsbild 11 2014 981x372 1 - Pieron baut Logistikhalle

Pieron is building a logistics warehouse

Company Pieron is building a new logistics warehouse for more than four million euro. The company, specialized in the production of technical springs, needs this warehouse urgently, as Sven Pieron points out. “Because we were growing tremendously fast over the past...

PIERON ANSICHT Sc - Pieron baut aus

Pieron expands

Construction work for the new building. An area of about 3,000 square meters will start at the end of November 2014. Pieron GmbH Company has been at its current location, Schlavenhorst 41, at the Mussum industrial park in Bocholt ever since 1990. Since then the...

Logo eCarTec 1080 x 651 1080x651 1 - eCarTec - Connecting Mobility Markets

eCarTec – Connecting Mobility Markets

Pieron is going to be at the eCarTec – Leading Fair for Electric- & Hybrid-Mobility – from the 21st to 23rd October 2014 in Munich. Visible in fair hall B4 at the booth 508. 17.09