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Gruppenbild 3 1 - 4000 EURO für die Jugendfarm

4,000 Euro for the Jugendfarm "Mit Dir"

For many years, Pieron has been supporting the youth farm "Mit Dir" and participating in its development. For both sides, an annual meeting is of great importance ...

Frederik Schroeder 1 - Pieron: Erfolgsfaktor Automation

Success factor automation

In the course of various research and development processes, Pieron, the specialist for technical springs and wire bending parts, has once again positioned itself more efficiently in recent months. One focus was on automation.

Gruppenbild 2 1 edited - Nacht der Ausbildung 2022

Night of Training 2022

For the first time, we, the Pieron GmbH, participated in the district-wide „Night of Training“ and were thrilled by the response.

Auszubildende Start Sept. 22 edited - Neue Auszubildende 2022

New apprentices 2022

As a family company in Bocholt, occupational training is the most sustainable step we can take to ensure that we will work with the best specialists in the future as well.

2020 10 Pieron erschliesst sich weitere Nische 980x604 1 - Pieron erschließt sich weitere Nische

Pieron develops further niche

With developing a so-called wave spring, spring specialist Pieron from Bocholt has expanded its product range recently again. „Wave springs offer many advantages. They have a very high spring force, they are especially light, and through using wave springs an...

2019 10 Pieron entwickelt im Netzwerk 1080x675 1 - Pieron entwickelt im Netzwerk

Pieron develops in the network

What does the work of the AIW and the research and development of the Pieron GmbH of Bocholt have in common? The answer: Both are hard to imagine without intensive Networking. Networking with various partners, Pieron has recently developed so called ring contact...

2019 09 Neue Auszubildende 2019 1080x675 1 - Neue Auszubildende 2019

New apprentices 2019

For the new year of training, the training teachers, Nikola Kohlbecher and Jennifer Steffens, welcomed the seven new apprentices of the Pieron GmbH. In this year, the Pieron GmbH trains these apprenticeship professions: Industrial mechanic (m/f/d) Industrial...