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Children experiment at Pieron

Photo: Sven Betz
Company is host of the “Day of the Little Scientists” / join-in activities with water
50 children of three nursery schools of Bocholt visited the company Pieron at Schlavenhorst yesterday. The boys and girls attended the “Day of the Little Scientists”. Veronika Droste from Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft of the district Borken arranged experience stations for them in the event room of the steel spring manufacturer. The kids could mix colors, craft boats or catapults at the tables.
„The kids get only little guidance and are supposed to just try”, Droste says. She is taking care for the kindergartens in the district „Haus der kleinen Forscher“ that bring the children the playful way close to natural sciences, mathematics, and technique through the foundation.
„Usually I am doing advanced training for kindergarten teachers”so Droste. But this time, the teachers were allowed to bring along the kids, too. “This way, both share the learning.” The children came from the kindergartens St. Martin, St. Josef, and St. Theresia.
Droste had asked the partner company for a room for the scientists’ day. “We are very happy to welcome you here”, said Managing Director Pieron Christian Fehler , told the kids. He encouraged them to always check out something. “There is everything to be gained this way.”