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KAPU students win "Schüler macht MI(N)T" competition

Source: PIERON GmbH

We congratulate the student team from KAPU (St. Josef-Gymnasium) on winning the first place in this year's "Schüler macht MI(N)T" competition.  

The team, consisting of Franziska, Linus, Henrike, Zoé and Tom from year 9 not only convinced the expert jury with their "eShake" project, but also won the audience award.

With their idea, the student team perfectly picked up on this year's competition motto "Generate, optimize, convert energy" and converted unused kinetic energy into electrical energy with a coil, magnet, metal springs, holder and a capacitor with a rectifier circuit and step-down module in a box using movement or "shaking". For example, passengers can board a bus, connect their cell phone to the "eShake" and charge it using previously unused kinetic energy during the bus ride.

Simply practical & clever!

As the partner company of the KAPU student team, we are particularly pleased about the clever idea and the imaginative implementation, in which technical springs also play a decisive role.

Congratulations to the winning team and all the other participating teams - you have implemented some really great project ideas!

Click here for the newspaper article

Source newspaper article: Bocholter Borkener Volksblatt - from 19.06.2024; Photo: Unternehmerverband Duisburg