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Removing clichés regarding the choice of career

Source: [unternehmen!]-Issue 2_2019 – Geraldine Klan | Photo: Pieron GmbH
At the Girls’Day and the Boys‘Day, companies provided an insight into the world of work
/ Two companies of Bocholt opened their factory gates, too.
"Prejudices about technical professions are unfounded. High-tech and dexterity have long been the hallmarks and are therefore more than interesting for girls", so Wolfgang Schmitz, Chief Executive of the Entrepreneurs' Association, on the occasion of this year's Girls' Day. This took place at the end of March throughout Germany - incidentally parallel to the Boys' Day., where boys got an insight into professions in care, health or the service industry, for example.
One of the participants on the Rhine and Ruhr was the PIERON GmbH in Bocholt, a specialist for technical springs. The schoolgirls went through the following steps with Jennifer Steffens all departments. The highlight was the creation of a pneumatic circuit diagram together with the company's trainees. They included Marie Friedrichwho became aware of the company through Girls' Day and completed her training as a tool mechanic there. The second stop in Bocholt was the Spaleck Oberflächentechnik GmbH & Co. KG: Bending wires according to instructions, scribing and graining metal parts and then machining them with hand tools - what might have been considered a typical male job in the past, the girls completed with flying colours. The girls from grades five to eight learned about the apprenticeship professions of industrial mechanic and technical product designer.
"Stereotypes and clichés in the choice of occupation are still widespread despite all the education in occupational orientation"., Wolfgang Schmitz regrets, which is why such formats are so valuable. The next Girls'Day and Boys'Day will take place on 26 March 2020. Further information on resp.
Other member companies of the entrepreneurs' association that took part in Girls'Day and Boys'Day on the Rhine and Ruhr were WOMA GmbH and Siemens AG, in Mülheim an der Ruhr the Siebtechnik GmbH, the Max Planck Institute for Coal Research, the Rheinisch-Westfälische Wasserwerksgesellschaft mbH, the Menerga GmbH, the Fahrzeug-Werke LUEG AG and Siemens AG. The company thyssenkrupp MillServices & Systems GmbH from Oberhausen was there.