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Dual orientation internship #dop4u

Dop4u 2024 - Duales Orientierungspraktikum #dop4u
Photo + text: Pieron GmbH

This week we welcomed Lisa, who completed the practical part of the dual orientation internship #dop4u at PIERON.

Together with 15 other students, she took part in #dop4u, which is jointly organized by the Unternehmerverband, the Verband Münsterländischer Metallindustrieller (VMM), the Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft für den Kreis Borken mbH (WFG) and the Westfälische Hochschule in Bocholt.

The aim is to give young people an insight into the diversity of technical professions, to get them interested in STEM subjects and to introduce them to exciting companies in the region.

After Lisa had already spent a week at the Westphalian University of Applied Sciences in Bocholt getting to know the various technical degree courses, she was able to gain an insight into the diverse professional world at PIERON. As her focus is on industrial engineering, Lisa was able to get to know the various departments such as project planning, operations management, design, business and market development and IT and gain an overview of the fields of activity.

In our design department, Lisa was able to use a CAD drawing program to see how product ideas are developed and implemented. Lisa created a drawing of a 3D flower pot herself and was able to view models of some prototypes on the 3D printer. She also gained an insight into the various measuring methods and testing techniques used at PIERON.

To the newspaper article

Text source: Wirtschaft aktuell, 1st Edition 2024 (text & photo)