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Pieron azubis 3 - Ausbildung
Pieron azubis 3 - Ausbildung
Pieron azubis 6 - Ausbildung


You are graduating from school with diploma next year and are looking for an interesting, varied and future-oriented apprenticeship at a successful company near you? Then Pieron GmbH – technical springs in Bocholt is the perfect place for you to do an apprenticeship!

We offer apprenticeships in the following occupational fields:

  • Industriemechaniker (m/w/d) – Fachrichtung Feingerätebau/Instandhaltung – zum 01.09.2026
  • Maschinen- und Anlagenführer (m/w/d) – Fachrichtung Metall- und Kunststofftechnik – zum 01.09.2025
  • Mechatroniker (m/w/d) – zum 01.09.2026
  • Industriekaufmann (m/w/d) – zum 01.09.2026
  • Fachinformatiker (m/w/d) – Fachrichtung Systemintegration – zum 01.09.2026

Our expectations:: Willingness to learn, self-motivation, logical and visual thinking, organisational skills, cleverness, team spirit and a strong interest in your trained profession

What we have to offer to you: Very good and comprehensive training at state-of-the-art work stations, state-of-the-art technologies, possibilities for advanced training, positive future opportunities, good working atmosphere, family-friendly and socially minded corporate policy and good apprenticeship pay

YOU are a member of our team of overall 270 employees in Bocholt.

Pieron azubis 1 - Ausbildung

Additional information

Making a difference together

Have we caught your interest?

Great, then send your complete application documents to our HR department: personalabteilung@pieron.de

We are looking forward to hearing from you!

Pieron GmbH Pieron GmbH | Schlavenhorst 41 | 46395 Bocholt