M+E Infotruck at PIERON

ME InfoTruck 1 - M+E Infotruck bei PIERON
Source: PIERON GmbH

The M+E Infotruck visited us again this year. Yesterday we were visited by 24 pupils from class 8b of Hohe-Giethorst-Schule, who explored the M+E Infotruck and our company.

The groups of pupils were able to take turns visiting the M+E info truck and learn about the various training opportunities in the metal and electrical industry in an experience-oriented way. In combination with a production tour by our trainees and a visit to our training workshop with some practical exercises, the pupils were given an insight into the training content at PIERON.

Our trainees were able to answer many questions, explained exercises and were on hand when help was needed. The practical tasks in particular were a lot of fun and were very well received by the interested pupils.

Thank you for visting!